The Ida M. Tarbell Collection of Lincolniana

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About The Ida M. Tarbell Collection of Lincolniana

In 1938 Ida M. Tarbell gave to Allegheny College, her Lincoln research collection for people to use. Tarbell began her Lincoln research in the 1890s with her publication of The Life of Abraham Lincoln in McClure's Magazine. Later the serial publication was published in book form. She continued her Lincoln research and collecting throughout her life. This collection contains correspondence, anecdotes, newspaper clippings, Tarbell's research notes and manuscripts pertaining to Abraham Lincoln and his life.

When citing items from this collection please use the following. Item Name, Ida M. Tarbell Collection, 1890-1944, Pelletier Library Allegheny College


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The materials in The Ida M. Tarbell Collection are made available solely for the purpose of private study, research and education. Many of the items are protected by U.S. Copyright Law. It is the responsibility of the researcher to identify and satisfy the holders of all copyrights.

Due to the size of this collection, we are not able to identify copyright holdings for all authors. We have made an attempt to identify as much as possible. Some of the materials provided online are made available under an assertion of fair use (17 USC 107). We are eager to hear from any rights owners so that we may obtain accurate information. Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address a rights issue.

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